Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about our service? Check the list below -- we may have already answered it for you. If not, we would love to answer it. Feel free to contact us!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Review the Following -- Your Question May Be Listed

Is your service only for churches?

No, not at all! While our service definitely works with churches, our services are designed to work with a variety of ministries and outreaches -- including evangelistic outreaches, music ministries, missions, dance ministries, food/shelter for the homeless ministries, etc. Any ministry that needs to keep track of donations/contributions can benefit from our services. Still have a question? Contact us at for more information.

Will I be able to process credit card transactions for all ministry members and visitors?

Yes! Tithify helps you to process debit and credit card donations and love gifts to your ministry. These donations are processed and deposited to your ministry bank account (typically, within 3-7 days from the date of the transaction -- depending on the financial institution).

Can I set the name/description that will show on a donor's bank statements?

Yes! We give you the ability to set the ministry name (also known as the descriptor) that is displayed on bank statements when donors give to your ministry. This helps to identify your ministry to donors.

Are there any limitations while my ministry is in trial mode?

In trial mode, your ministry will be limited to one donation form and one, optional, 'Text to Give' phone number. Once you have fully signed up for our services, you will be able to setup multiple donation forms and phone numbers.

Will I be able to print all of the donations made by a particular person?

Yes! We provide "easy to access" reports that allow you to generate a spreadsheet of contribution data (totals per donation category or itemized). You can even filter the report by year and month.

Can I have more than one ministry database?

Yes -- you can have one parent ministry, but any number of subordinate ministries. When donations are made to your ministry, you can choose to assign it to a single ministry or if this level of granularity is not needed, chose to assign all donations to the parent ministry automatically. It's your choice.

What do I need to do to my computer to run your software?

Our software is completely web-based. You need a modern JavaScript enabled web browser. We support several popular web browsers (including Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari and Firefox).

Can I get a copy of your software to run in my local environment?

Tithify is cloud-based software that is subscription based (often known as Software as a Service -- or SaaS). While you cannot install a local version of this software, the cloud-based model gives you so much flexibility. This setup allows us to maintain the servers and provide updates and new features to all ministries in a fluid and seamless way. Your ministry will always be on the latest release of the software.

Do you backup my ministry's data?

Yes! We backup your ministry data nightly and store the encrypted backups in the cloud, securely. There is no additional charge for these backups -- it's automatically included in all subscription plans.

If you still have questions about our service, please contact us by phone at (888) 56-FAITH (888-563-2484) or email us at